Quick Course

Opioid and Substance Use: Caring for Texas Mothers and Babies

Take 10 minutes to view a video filled with information and resources about addressing opioid and substance use among pregnant women and new mothers.


Target Audience

Texas Health Steps providers and other interested health care professionals.



  • American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Committee on Obstetric Practice & American Society of Addiction Medicine. (2017.) Committee Opinion No. 711: Opioid Use and Opioid Use Disorder in Pregnancy.
  • Smith C., Morse, E., & Busby, S. (2019). Barriers to reproductive healthcare for women with opioid use disorder. The Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing, 33(2): e3-11. 
  • Tilson, E.C. (2018). Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs): An important element of a comprehensive approach to the opioid crisis. North Carolina Medical Journal, 79(3): 166-169.

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