Section 1: Get to know the Medical Transportation Program

Non-Emergency Medical Transportation

map of regions and service areas

MTP provides Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) services throughout Texas.

  • Local NEMT services
    • Demand response, which provides a scheduled ride in a taxi, van, or other vehicle.
    • Individual Transportation Participant (ITP), which provides mileage reimbursement to a designated driver (including a patient who is the driver). Details about qualifying for this program are provided in Section 2 of this tutorial.
    • Mass transit, which provides tickets or tokens.
  • Out-of-area NEMT services
    • Intercity ground via commercial transportation, such as Greyhound or Trailways bus lines.
    • Airline fare when it is the most cost-efficient means to travel.
    • Meals and lodging for eligible overnight stays.
    • Advanced funds for ride and travel-related expenses.